This city of 140,000 inhabitants is located in Szeklerland, where much of the population is of Hungarian origin. Originally located on the left bank of the Mures River, today the city extends to the right bank and the Niraj Valley to the south.
The town got its name (literally translating to market near the river Mures) thanks to the permission granted in 1405 by the King of Hungary to organize markets and fairs. The total Hungarian population of the city has largely dropped over the last century (from 86% in 1900 to 46% in 2002), mainly due to the bad relations between Hungary and the Ceausescu regime. In 1990, the city was the site of an intense clash between Hungarian and Romanian youths, which ended with five deaths. Since then, a peaceful state has been established between the two nations.
The historic center of Targu Mures is particularly wonderful. There you can visit the Cultural Palace, the theater, the wooden church, the Orthodoc synagogue, the medieval citadel and the Rose Square in the heart of the historic center.